Panagiotis D. Christofides


5532-F Boelter Hall

(310) 794-1015






Invited Presentations  

  1.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' 1st SUSTENS Meeting, June 2025.

  2.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' ICHEME CAPE SIG Webinar Series, May 2025.

  3.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' Center for Control Systems and Dynamics, University of California, San Diego, April 2025.

  4.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Connecticut, March 2025.

  5.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University, September 2024.

  6.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University, March 2024.

  7.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn University, March 2024.

  8.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University, April 2023.

  9.    Parker, S., Z. Wu and P. D. Christofides, "Cybersecurity in Process Control, Operations, and Supply Chain,''  Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations / Chemical Process Control Conference,  San Antonio, Texas, January 2023, (keynote talk).

  10.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, November 2021.

  11.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, June 2021.

  12.   Christofides, P. D., "Machine Learning in Process Control, Safety and Operations,'' First Chinese Conference on Predictive Control and Intelligent Decision, Shanghai, China, April 2021, (keynote talk).

  13.   Christofides, P. D., "Distributed and Economic Model Predictive Control: Enabling Smart Manufacturing, Distributed Renewable Energy Generation and Water Production,'' Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Irvine, October 2020.

  14.   Christofides, P. D., "Distributed and Economic Model Predictive Control: Enabling Smart Manufacturing, Distributed Renewable Energy Generation and Water Production,'' Department of Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University, September 2020.

  15.   Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Process Control: An Overview of Over Half-Century of Research,'' Computing in Chemical Engineering Award Presentation, CAST Division, AIChE Annual Meeting,  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 2018.

  16.   Christofides, P. D., "Distributed and Economic Model Predictive Control: Enabling Smart Manufacturing, Distributed Renewable Energy Generation and Water Production,'' Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Leader of Engineering Seminars, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, September 2018.

  17.   Christofides, P. D., "Distributed and Economic Model Predictive Control: Enabling Smart Manufacturing, Distributed Renewable Energy Generation and Water Production,'' Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Mathematics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, June 2017.

  18.   Christofides, P. D., "Distributed and Economic Model Predictive Control: Enabling Smart Manufacturing, Distributed Renewable Energy Generation and Water Production,'' Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Clemson University, April 2017. 

  19.  Crose, M., JSI Kwon and P. D. Christofides, "Multiscale Modeling and Operation of PECVD of Thin Film Solar Cells,'' 251st ACS National Meeting, paper ID: 2421733, San Diego, California, 2016,  (plenary talk - delivered by M. Crose).

  20.  Christofides, P. D., "Economic Model Predictive Control,'' IFAC Conference on Nonlinear MPC (NMPC15), Seville, Spain, September 2015,  (plenary talk).

  21.   Christofides, P. D., "Distributed and Economic Model Predictive Control: Enabling Smart Manufacturing, Distributed Renewable Energy Generation and Water Production,'' 10th Panhellenic Chemical Engineering Scientific Conference, Patras, Greece, June 2015, (plenary talk).

  22.   Liu, J. and P. D. Christofides, "A Distributed Control Framework for Smart Grid Development,'' AIChE Workshop on Smart Grid for the Chemical Process Industry, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, September 2013.

  23.   Christofides, P. D., "Distributed Model Predictive Control: Enabling Smart Manufacturing, Distributed Renewable Energy Generation and Water Production,'' Center for Control, Dynamical-Systems, and Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 2013.

  24.   Christofides, P. D., "False Alarm Reduction and Efficient Fault Recovery via Integration of Data-Based and Model-Based Methods,'' Abnormal Situation Management Consortium Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2012.

  25.   Christofides, P. D., R. Scattolini, D. Munoz de la Pena and J. Liu
    "Distributed Model Predictive Control: A Tutorial Review,''  Chemical Process Control-8,  Savannah, Georgia, January 2012.

  26.   Christofides, P. D., "Model Predictive Control of Switched Systems and Distributed Model Predictive Control,'' Tutorial on Model Predictive Control, 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, August 2011.

  27.   Christofides, P. D., "Design of Networked Control Systems for Chemical Processes,'' NSF-CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, August 2011 (poster presentation).

  28.    Christofides, P. D., "Optimal Operation and Control of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems,'' Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, April 2011.

  29.    Christofides, P. D., "Optimal Operation and Control of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems,'' Department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster University, Canada, April 2011.

  30.    Christofides, P. D., "Networked and Distributed Predictive Control: Enabling Smart Manufacturing and Smart Renewable Energy Generation,'' Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, March 2011.

  31.   Christofides, P. D., "Multiscale Modeling and Control of Thin Film Surface Morphology and Microstructure,'' UCLA Technology Forum, March 2011.

  32.    Christofides, P. D., "Control of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems: Recent Developments and Challenges,'' Bi-annual Symposium on Analysis and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems in the Engineering Sciences, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg, Germany, November 2010 (keynote talk).

  33.   Christofides, P. D., "Optimal Operation and Control of Reverse Osmosis Desalination,'' Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Saskatoon, Canada, October 2010 (keynote talk).

  34.   Christofides, P. D., "Design of Networked Control Systems for Chemical Processes,'' NSF-CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, August 2010 (poster presentation).

  35.   Christofides, P. D., "Networked and Distributed Process Control and Operations,'' Abnormal Situation Management Consortium Meeting, University of California, Los Angeles, California, June 2010.

  36.    Christofides, P. D., "Effect of Aerodynamic Shocks  on Bacterial Aerosols: Computations and Experiments,'' DTRA Program Review Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 2009.

  37.    Christofides, P. D., "Effect of Aerodynamic Shocks on Bacterial Aerosols: Computations and Experiments,'' DTRA Program Review Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 2008.

  38.    Christofides, P. D., "Networked and Fault-Tolerant Process Control,'' Workshop on Supervision and Fault-Tolerant Operation of Distributed and Networked Processes, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, October 2008.

  39.    Christofides, P. D, D. Munoz de la Pena and J. Liu, "Distributed Control System Design Using Lyapunov-Based Model Predictive Control,'' Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Pavia, Italy, September 2008.

  40.    Christofides, P. D., "Control and Optimization of Multiscale Process Systems,'' NSF Workshop on Nanomanufacturing, Arlington, Virginia, February 2008.

  41.    Christofides, P. D., "Networked Fault-Tolerant Control and Distributed Water Systems,'' Electrical Engineering Research Review, University of California, Los Angeles, January 2008.

  42.    Christofides, P. D., "Effect of Aerodynamic Shocks on Bacterial Aerosols,'' DTRA Program Review Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2008.

  43.     Christofides, P. D., "Control of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems,'' Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada, May 2007.

  44.     Christofides, P. D., "Control of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems,'' Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Iowa State University, February 2007.

  45.    Christofides, P. D., "Model-Based Control of Particulate Processes,'' Control of Particulate Processes-VII, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 2006 (plenary talk).

  46.    Christofides, P. D., "Control of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems,'' Max Planck Institute in Magdeburg, Germany, October 2006.

  47.     Christofides, P. D., "Control of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems,'' NSF Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Control of Plasmas in Magnetic Fusion, University of California, San Diego, California, May 2006.

  48.     Christofides, P. D. and A. Armaou, "Control and Optimization of Multiscale Process Systems,'' International Conference on Chemical Process Control-7, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, January 2006.

  49.    Christofides, P. D., "Techniques for Uniting Lyapunov-Based and Model Predictive Control,'' Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Waldhotel Zollernblick, Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, Germany, August 2005.

  50.    Christofides, P. D., "Control of Material Microstructure Using Stochastic PDEs,'' Workshop on Model Reduction and Coarse-Graining Approaches for Multiscale Phenomena, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom, August 2005.  

  51.    Christofides, P. D., "Control of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems,'' American Control Conference, Portland, Oregon, 2005  (plenary talk).

  52.    Christofides, P. D., "Predictive Control of  Distributed Process Systems,'' Arizona State University, April 2005.

  53.   Christofides, P. D., "Control of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems,'' Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, October 2004.

  54.    Christofides, P. D., "Dynamics and Control of Thin Film Growth,'' NSF Workshop on Control and System Integration of Micro- and Nano-Scale Systems, Arlington, Virginia, March 2004.

  55.    Christofides, P. D., "Model-Based Control of  Particulate Processes," Engineering Research Center for Particle Science & Technology, University of  Florida, January 2004.

  56.     Christofides, P. D., "Control of  Nonlinear  Distributed  Processes," Department of Chemical and Biological  Engineering, University of  Wisconsin, September 2003.

  57.     Christofides, P. D., "Towards Bridging the Gap Between Process Control Practice and Nonlinear Control Theory,'' Meeting of the Texas-Wisconsin Modeling and Control Consortium, University of Wisconsin, September 2003.

  58.     Christofides, P. D., "Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," Department of Chemical and Biomolecular  Engineering, University of  Pennsylvania, April 2003.

  59.     Christofides, P. D., "Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," Center for Process Modeling and Control,  Lehigh University, April 2003.

  60.     Christofides, P. D., "Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," Department of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Materials Science,  Polytechnic University, April 2003.

  61.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Design in Process Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany,  February  2003.

  62.     El-Farra, N. and P. D. Christofides,  "Integrating Feedback and Switching for Fault-Tolerant Control of Fluid Dynamic Systems,'' SIAM Annual Meeting, Minisymposium on Advances in Control of Fluids: Theory and Applications, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 2002.

  63.     Christofides, P. D., "Feedback Control of  Fluid Flows,"  4th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics, Patras, Greece, June 2002.

  64.     Christofides, P. D., "Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of  Minnesota, February  2002.

  65.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," Department of Chemical and Fuels Engineering, University of  Utah, January  2002.

  66.     Christofides, P. D., "Issues on Real-Time Monitoring and Control of Thermal Spray Processing of Nanostructured Coatings," Engineering Foundation Conference on Novel Synthesis and Processing of Nanostructured Coatings for Protection Against Degradation, Davos, Switzerland, August 2001.

  67.     Christofides, P. D., "Feedback Control  of Fluid Flow," AFOSR Dynamics and Control Workshop, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, August 2001 (poster presentation).

  68.     Baker, J., J. Myatt and P. D. Christofides, "Feedback Control for Drag Reduction in Incompressible Flow over Flat Plate with Favorable and Adverse Pressure Gradients," SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, Minisymposium on Control of Fluids: Theory and Numerics (Part I),  San Diego, CA,  July 2001.

  69.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, May 2001.

  70.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," College of Engineering, KOC University, May 2001.

  71.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of  Complex Distributed  Processes," ETH-Zurich, Switzerland, May 2001.

  72.     Christofides, P. D., "Feedback Control of Nonlinear Switched Systems," Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland, May 2001.

  73.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of Distributed Chemical Processes," Department of Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, March 2001.  

  74.     Christofides, P. D., "Singular Perturbations in Process Control: An Overview," Workshop on Singular Perturbations in Control, Adelaide, Australia, December 2000.

  75.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of Transport-Reaction Processes: Recent Developments and Future Challenges," AIChE Annual Meeting, Session 348: Detailed Reaction Mechanism and Reactor Modeling I, Los Angeles, CA, November 2000.

  76.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of Distributed Chemical Processes," Department of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, October 2000.

  77.     Christofides, P. D., "Simulation, Order Reduction and Control of Fluid Dynamic Systems," Wright Patterson Air Force Base, October 2000.

  78.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of Distributed Chemical Processes," Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, September 2000.  

  79.     Christofides, P. D., "Feedback Control  of Fluid Flow," AFOSR Dynamics and Control Workshop, Pasadena, California,  August 2000  (poster presentation).

  80.     Antoniades, C and P. D. Christofides, "Studies on Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Tubular Reactors with Recycle," Third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Catania, Italy, July 2000.

  81.     Christofides, P. D., "Semiconductor Manufacturing Process Control," Advanced Micro Devices, Sunnyvale, California, June 2000.

  82.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of Distributed Chemical Processes," Center for Control Engineering & Computation, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara, May 2000.

  83.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Process Control," Simulation Sciences Inc., Houston, Texas, May 2000.

  84.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of Distributed Chemical Processes," Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Southern California, October 1999.

  85.     Christofides, P. D., "Modeling and Control of Titania Aerosol Reactors," NSF-ESF Symposium on Nanoparticles: Technologies and Applications, Tacoma, WA, October 1999.

  86.     Kalani, A. and P. D. Christofides, "Modeling and Control of Titania Aerosol Reactors," American Association for Aerosol Research Conference, Tacoma, WA, October 1999.

  87.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Control of Incompressible Fluid Flow," Wright Patterson Air Force Base, September 1999.

  88.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Control of Incompressible Fluid Flow," NSF Workshop on Control of Flows, University of California at San Diego, June 1999.

  89.     Christofides, P. D., "Nonlinear Model Reduction and Control of Distributed Chemical Processes," Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California at Davis, February 1999.

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